You may be surprised to learn that cats are more affected by inactivity than dogs due to their already laid-back lifestyle. Among dogs, inactivity has a greater impact on small breeds such as LealeaG, iStock via Getty Images The name "Cheetoh cat" probably brings up the image of a laid back cartoon cheetah hocking cheese puffs, but it's also a fairly new breed of house cat. According to The hairless Ukrainian Levkoy is described as a highly affectionate cat with a laid-back, playful temperament. They are both intelligent and inquisitive, needing to be entertained and stimulated Cold Noses, the Times-Union's weekly pet column, features pets available for adoption at area government-run shelters. BamBam is a 1'-year-old male mixed-breed dog (ID No. 20-04778-2). He is sweet and "The individual that brought him in said he was very calm and relaxed around their other dogs and cats," adds Bradford. George is a bigger sized cat Theon is a senior dog that has been at the She is tender and is a very calm baby. She moves quietly and with understanding. She loves balls and playing with her puppy friends. She is sweet with children and loves to kiss. Sassy is also good .
Start your day off right by browsing through some precious pooches! There are heaps of delightful dogs up for adoption right here in Plano. Hoodline partnered with Petfinder, an online adoption site .
Gallery of mellow cat breeds: