Fergie is a 6-year-old female mixed breed who was found as a stray Nellie is a 3-year-old, 10-pound female gray tabby. This sweet girl is house trained and has been spayed. Her ideal home would be "It was a Siamese but the kitten from earlier was a Tabby so they're from it potentially adds to our feral cat problem," Mr Beatty said. "People probably don't realise but dumping litters of He is an almost 5-year-old, white-and-gray tabby male who is used to living with other cats Maurice is a young, mixed-breed beau. He’s about a year old and is friendly and happy-go-lucky. Maurice Looking for love: A pit bull found abandoned named Achilles. An older black female cat named Rosita. A young male terrier named Cucumber. And more. Compare that to my recent Nextdoor feed, which includes a request for carpet cleaning recommendations, a found tabby cat, a walk in need of shovelling a home invader or a package thief – while .
Gallery of cat breeds tabby: