Cat Lover | Cat Training

How to train your cat

Thursday, 1 June 2023

Cats Bad Breath

Cats Bad Breath

Cats Bad Breath - Cat owners are well aware that bad cat breath is absolutely terrible. Like human bad breath, it is caused by bacteria fou...
Ocicat Cat

Ocicat Cat

Ocicat Cat - The Ocicat is one of the glorious accidents in the cat fancy. A breeder from the state of Michigan in the United States set ou...
Singapura Cat

Singapura Cat

Singapura Cat - During the early 1970s, an experienced and influential American cat breeder found a colony of unusual looking cats in Singa...

Monday, 29 May 2023

Egyptian Mau Cat

Egyptian Mau Cat

Egyptian Mau Cat - On ancient Egyptian Manuscripts and murals, a cat is depicted that looks very much like the modern breed of Egyptian Mau...
Tonkinese Cat

Tonkinese Cat

Tonkinese Cat - For those who regard the modern Siamese as rather rat like in its sleekness, and the American Burmese as too Persian and he...

Saturday, 27 May 2023

Cat Can Bond With Their Owners?

Cat Can Bond With Their Owners?

Cat Can Bond With Their Owners? - Lots of people think that cats are independent, and don't form bonds. You might even hear that cats o...
Bengal Cat

Bengal Cat

Bengal Cat - The Bengal was developed in an attempt to combine the look of the wild Asian Leopard Cat with the temperament of the domestica...